The /bin/bash Theory

Manage Kubernetes locally with RKE DIND


Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) is an open-source Kubernetes installer written in Golang which is easy to use and highly customizable, it uses containerized deployment for kubernetes components and can work on many platforms, it support installation on bare-metal and virtualized servers plus it supports integeration with many cloud providers including AWS, Openstack, VSphere, and Azure. For more information about RKE you can checkout the official documentation.

Managing Kubernetes Locally

There are many options to run Kubernetes locally, the most popular option is to use Minikube which runs a single node kubernetes cluster inside a virtual machine on your local computer, Minikube supports many kubernetes features and can run on any platform, more options are also available to install Kubernetes locally that includes Minishift which installs a community version of Openshift for local developement, also microk8s which provides a single command installation of the latest Kubernetes version and is considered very fast way to get Kubernetes locally.

One of the known issues with these options is that they only provide a single node installations for kubernetes and they can lack flexibility in customizing and configuring Kubernetes.

Introducing RKE DIND

RKE Docker In Docker feature allows the user to install multi-node Kubernetes installation locally, and the only requirements is having Docker installed on your local machine.

How It Works

RKE DIND works simply by treating dind containers as Kubernetes nodes, each DIND container can has master or worker components or both, in RKE configuration a node be a controlplane node which has all master k8s components except etcd, etcd node which has etcd running, or worker node which has worker Kubernetes components, also any node can be combination of one of the three roles.


Each DIND container runs the official docker:17.03-dind image, currently this image is hardcoded in rke code, however this can be customizable in the future, since the docker:17.03-dind image defaults to vfs storage driver which is very slow and inefficient rke runs each container with the host’s storage driver,

DIND Networking

Initially RKE DIND was implemented to have a separate docker network for each kubernetes cluster, user was able to create a new network or specify a docker network name to run the cluster within it.

However this implementation can be proven complicated because it will have the user keep track of each container IP, and RKE will fail with an error if it finds any ip conflicts.

The alternative was to make RKE DIND more flexible with containers addresses, the user will only have to add the node names in the configuration file, and RKE will automatically run the containers in the default docker bridge network and fetch their addresses and use them for the installation.

RKE DIND Docker Tunnel

RKE uses different tunnels to connect to the kubernetes nodes, by default the CLI uses SSH tunnel and connects to the Docker daemon on this node, I described this feature in my last post.

If you are going to use rke library you can specify a custom tunnel dialer by sending a dialer factory to RKE function:

func ClusterUp(ctx context.Context, dialersOptions hosts.DialersOptions, flags cluster.ExternalFlags) (string, string, string, string, map[string]pki.CertificatePKI, error)

Where dialersOptions has three dialers:

type DialersOptions struct {
	DockerDialerFactory    DialerFactory
	LocalConnDialerFactory DialerFactory
	K8sWrapTransport       k8s.WrapTransport

DockerDialerFactory is responsible for connecting to the nodes, the dialer factory has a signature:

type DialerFactory func(h *Host) (func(network, address string) (net.Conn, error), error)

The dialer factory for DIND container connects using TCP protocol to the docker daemon on port 2375:

func DindConnFactory(h *Host) (func(network, address string) (net.Conn, error), error) {
	newDindDialer := &dindDialer{
		Address: h.Address,
		Port:    DINDPort,
	return newDindDialer.Dial, nil

func (d *dindDialer) Dial(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
	conn, err := net.Dial(network, d.Address+":"+d.Port)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to dial dind address [%s]: %v", addr, err)
	return conn, err


The post will test RKE DIND by running rke up on a local Ubuntu 16.04 machine with Docker engine 17.03.2-ce, the example will run 2 clusters each with 3 nodes:

I will be using rke v0.2.0-rc3, the YAML configuration files for the 2 clusters will be:

Cluster #1 cluster1.yml

  - address: cluster1-node1
    user: docker
    role: [controlplane,worker,etcd]
  - address: cluster1-node2
    user: docker
    role: [worker]
  - address: cluster1-node3
    user: ubuntu
    role: [worker]

Cluster #2 cluster2.yml

  - address: cluster2-node1
    user: docker
    role: [controlplane,worker,etcd]
  - address: cluster2-node2
    user: docker
    role: [controlplane,worker,etcd]
  - address: cluster2-node3
    user: ubuntu
    role: [controlplane,worker,etcd]

To run the first cluster, you can run the following command:

# rke up --dind --config cluster1.yml
WARN[0000] This is not an officially supported version (v0.2.0-rc3) of RKE. Please download the latest official release at
INFO[0000] [dind] Pulling image [docker:17.03-dind] on host [unix:///var/run/docker.sock]
INFO[0005] [dind] Successfully pulled image [docker:17.03-dind] on host [unix:///var/run/docker.sock]
INFO[0005] [dind] Successfully started [rke-dind-cluster1-node1] container on host [unix:///var/run/docker.sock]
INFO[0006] [dind] Successfully started [rke-dind-cluster1-node2] container on host [unix:///var/run/docker.sock]
INFO[0006] [dind] Successfully started [rke-dind-cluster1-node3] container on host [unix:///var/run/docker.sock]
INFO[0147] Finished building Kubernetes cluster successfully

And for the second cluster:

# ./rke_linux-amd64 up --dind --config cluster2.yml
WARN[0000] This is not an officially supported version (v0.2.0-rc3) of RKE. Please download the latest official release at
INFO[0000] [dind] Successfully started [rke-dind-cluster2-node1] container on host [unix:///var/run/docker.sock]
INFO[0000] [dind] Successfully started [rke-dind-cluster2-node2] container on host [unix:///var/run/docker.sock]
INFO[0000] [dind] Successfully started [rke-dind-cluster2-node3] container on host [unix:///var/run/docker.sock]
INFO[0177] Finished building Kubernetes cluster successfully

As you can see the first cluster took about 2 minutes and 27 seconds to be provisioned, and the second cluster took about 3 minutes to be provisioned.

You can see the docker-in-docker containers on the local machine:

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
4237db7f023b        docker:17.03-dind   "sh -c 'mount --ma..."   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        2375/tcp            rke-dind-cluster2-node3
dd29ffe9016d        docker:17.03-dind   "sh -c 'mount --ma..."   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        2375/tcp            rke-dind-cluster2-node2
f4138bb0cc2e        docker:17.03-dind   "sh -c 'mount --ma..."   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        2375/tcp            rke-dind-cluster2-node1
89a1efc02bb8        docker:17.03-dind   "sh -c 'mount --ma..."   13 minutes ago      Up 13 minutes       2375/tcp            rke-dind-cluster1-node3
2d11ecb3ce08        docker:17.03-dind   "sh -c 'mount --ma..."   13 minutes ago      Up 13 minutes       2375/tcp            rke-dind-cluster1-node2
df1d8cdd36f6        docker:17.03-dind   "sh -c 'mount --ma..."   13 minutes ago      Up 13 minutes       2375/tcp            rke-dind-cluster1-node1

Accessing The DIND Clusters

RKE will place a kube_config_* file for each cluster after finishing the installation, to use any of them you can just point to it using KUBECONFIG env variable or using –kubeconfig option with kubectl:

# KUBECONFIG=kube_config_cluster1.yml kubectl get nodes
NAME             STATUS   ROLES                      AGE   VERSION
cluster1-node1   Ready    controlplane,etcd,worker   16m   v1.12.4
cluster1-node2   Ready    worker                     16m   v1.12.4
cluster1-node3   Ready    worker                     16m   v1.12.4
# KUBECONFIG=kube_config_cluster2.yml kubectl get nodes
NAME             STATUS   ROLES                      AGE     VERSION
cluster2-node1   Ready    controlplane,etcd,worker   9m14s   v1.12.4
cluster2-node2   Ready    controlplane,etcd,worker   9m14s   v1.12.4
cluster2-node3   Ready    controlplane,etcd,worker   9m15s   v1.12.4


  • Currently RKE DIND feature only works on Linux platforms, installation on Mac OS X is not yet supported.

  • Dind containers are not customizable including:

    • Docker version
    • Dind subnet
  • Doesn’t run with systemd-resolved: each dind container mounts /etc/resolv.conf from the localhost, however with systemd-resolved enabled the nameserver will be set to and will fail to connect.